This and That

Posted by PicasaI feel bad as I haven’t been able to blog much lately. I used to average a post about every other day.But going forward if I make once a week, I’ll be good.This week was the first week of my new job and it’s not even Friday yet, but I’m exhausted. There is so much much to do, learn, and prove. I cant wait for the travel part to begin. Toronto and the Bahamas are in the works. One thing I’m not used to is sitting in a cubicle all day. With my old job I would be in the stores as well as the office. To counter this inactivity I have signed up a t a cute hot new woman’s only gym called Flirty Girl Fitness in the west loop. I’m taking classes such as pole teaser and Bootie Beat. Certain Someone is looking at me crossed eyed, but I need to do something. I feel like all this food and nesting is catching up with me since I ceased going to the gym regularly. Who knew strippers had to be athletic. That Pole is a beast!

Anyway, Mary over at Shazam In the Kitchen was kind enough to give me this prize.
Thanks Mary, your a gem. So I need to pass this on to some others.I also have two Memes waiting from Bellini Valli and Toni. I haven’t forgotten, and I will try to get to them soon.
So I’m passing this badge onto:
Marq a young new blogger I just met who has great dreams to opens a pastry shop. If you don’t have dreams , you don’t have much, so I want to encourage everyone to dream .
My Hyde Park girls Chou and Maria. I hope to meet these smart, well rounded blog friends soon either on a baking day or exploring the vast culinary scene in Chicago.
And finally Zlamushka. She’s my blog buddy in Sweden who I hope to meet one day as we will be spending a lot of time there in the summers. While I’m not vegan, I love to read about all of her spicy concoctions.
I’m so tired now, so I’m going to bed.But before I do,stay tuned for this weekend as I’m cooking up something with a fellow blogger….