Some Words on Reinvention

I like to think after all these years of blogging, I am finally finding my voice. The Courtney today isn’t the Courtney of yesterday which is apparent in old photos, views, passions, and beliefs. Today’s post is about reinvention, and not necessarily about food, or food blogging, but then again maybe it is? My friend AfroBella referred me to the PR folks at Eucerin to attend MORE Magazines Reinvention Convention. Eucerin sponsored Dr. Pamela Peeke, who gave a wonderful lecture on how to be your healthy fit best after 40. The same we focus on our overall health care, we need to do with our skin, the largest organ of our body. As cooks, proper care and nurturing of our skin, hands, and arms is essential to aid healing. Click here to take the Skin First Pledge.
More Reinvention Convention

Reinvent your career • Revive your look • Rev up your energy

Reimagine your future • Reinvigorate your sex life • Revise your priorities

Recharge your life
To say the day was so inspiring would be an understatement. Even now as I type this I am still buzzing on the wealth of information and shared stories I took away. With Speakers like Lee Woodruff, Dara Torres, Dana Delany. Dr. Pamela Peeke, and career coach Pamela Mitchell I realized I am in my Prime and there are so many new chapters to my story awaiting. I recognized pieces of me in stories ranging from coping with loss, being in a place career wise you don’t want to be and seeking change, tackling our changing bodies, and mostly important realizing being a woman over 40 is to be very relevant with knowledge to share. Funny thing I never really identified with being in that MORE demographic, but I am and I am proud. If you follow my tweets you will see I shared some tidbits from day with the hash tags of #skin first and #more invention.
For most of us blogging, we are already in some stage of Reinvention. I realized as I listened to career coach Pamela Mitchell that I was already practicing the 10 rules of reinvention by starting this blog. Coco Cooks has opened a whole new world for me that forced me to recognize my passion and give it legitimacy. Through the blog, I had many new opportunities, which parlayed correctly have led me to second career of sorts. It was evident that Age IS just a number (Dara Torres) and regardless if you are in the kitchen, playing field, or boardroom our hunger to succeed and have quality of life hasn’t subsided after 40. I’m reminded of a recent negative situation I have been going through with a person a decade younger. All I could think of as I listened to her know it all opinions, was  to keep on living little girl ( my mother’s favorite words). Life at 30 for you now will so different from when you reach 40.And 40 will be different from 50, etc. What you thought you knew or wanted, you really didn’t know or want at all. Reinvention, be it forced or planned, is key to a successful life.
Thank you Eucerin and MORE Magazine for reminding me of that.
*Disclosure. New Media Strategies, representing Eucerin US sponsored my attendance to attend More Magazines Reinvention Convention. A $198 value.

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9 thoughts on “Some Words on Reinvention

  1. marye

    Love it. I am happier now, at 50, than ever…more confident..more everything. I miss my 22 inch waist but not the rest of being 20.

  2. nyc/caribbean ragazza

    Sounds like a fantastic conference. It's great you were able to attend.

    I think we are too obsessed in America with youth and age. You're right…it's just a number.

  3. Lori Lynn

    Great post Courtney!

    Funny, I was just at a conference at UCLA, unrelated, and they were giving out More Magazine. I took one, so now, I look forward to reading it.

  4. Maria♥


    Unfortunately I have some very sad news about Rosie from Baking Cakes Galore, she has passed away. Could you please pass by my blog. I have written up a tribute for her on my blog and would like everyone who knew her to leave a comment as I will be printing out all the comments to send onto her husband.


  5. chez Us

    This is a wonderful post and so true. I often say, if I had only known in my 20s what I know now. I loved turning 30 as I had a better understanding of what I wanted out of life. Then I turned 40 and it has changed even more. It is pretty wonderful, growing and learning, isn't it!

  6. The Caked Crusader

    I know just what you mean – I'm not the person I was even 2 years a go. I'd far rather be who I am now.

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