Roasted Honeyed Sweets

Here is a quick and  easy recipe to add to your holiday or just regular table as a side. A little back story…growing up I hated sweet potatoes. Candied or in  pie, I just couldn’t fall in love with them.I dreaded when holidays arrived and I  had to eat my obligatory spoonful. No matter who made them, I just didn’t like that orange sweet mush.Now, I love them. I love them most in their simplest form, roasted. So rather than dump a ton of brown sugar, butter, and marshmallows (shudder) on your sweets, next time try this. Honey is a natural healing sweetener that pairs perfectly with this root vegetable chock full of anti oxidants.


Roasted Honeyed Sweets

* I used  a raw honey which is  pure, healthier, and is more solid in form. I melted it slightly before use on the stove. Use either clarified runny or raw honey. The choice is yours.

Quantities can be adjusted for amount of servings.

  • Sweet Potatoes with skin , washed
  • Olive Oil to coat
  • Kosher Salt to taste
  • 1 tablespoon honey for every sweet potato used
  1. Preheat oven to 375 F
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  3. Cut sweet potatoes in wedges , with skin.
  4. Toss in olive oil generously to coat.
  5. Place on baking sheet.
  6. Sprinkle with Kosher Salt to taste.
  7. Roast  for 15 minutes until tender.
  8. Take honey( which has been pre melted if raw) and toss over sweet potatoes on baking sheet.
  9. Continue to roast for another 5 minutes or so.
  10. Serve hot.


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6 thoughts on “Roasted Honeyed Sweets

  1. Marie

    I did this with acorn squash, simple and so delish! I will try it next time with sweet potatoes! Happy Turkey Day friend,or is it Goose Day for you?

  2. carolyn vines

    Hello there. First of all, I love the new website. It’s even more appetizing than your last one. I had to laugh at your story because I didn’t eat sweet potatoes when I was younger, and my children refuse to eat them. We also have the one spoonful rule, and you’d think we were marching them to their deaths with this one. I never thought to roast them with honey, so I’m going to try it. Thanks for the tip.

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